
Annual Plant Sale

The Garden Club plant sale offers an eclectic assortment of plant material collected from the gardens of members, friends and neighbors.  If our contributors are unable to divide their plants, we form a committee to help dig, pot, label and transport the collection to a central location.  Here volunteer members care for, water, sort and prepare our plants to look their best for their debut at the sale.  There are a number of ways to participate in preparing for the plant sale.  We not only care for the plants, pre-sale, but need help in setting up, and cleaning up after the sale.  We ask for volunteers to lend canopies and tables, transport plants to the sale location, and take the remainder back after the sale.  The day of the sale, we help our customers choose the right plants for their particular location.  Making this fundraiser a success is due to the participants who have a sense of humor, the ability to share their plant knowledge, and enjoy learning new things about our horticultural world.