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CGCC Member Meeting

  • Lightkeeper's Cottage 15 Lighthouse Lane Cohasset, MA, 02025 United States (map)

Join us for our monthly general meeting at the Lightkeeper’s Cottage. Plan to be there at 9:00 AM for light refreshments and time to socialize with other members. The business meeting will start promptly at 9:30AM.

Program: “Herbs for Use and Delight” - Susan Anthony, principal of Doveflower Cottage Garden Design was the former perennial expert and buyer for Kennedy’s Garden Center in Scituate along with writing a blog for Kennedy’s and many articles for the Herb Society. She is a long-time member and board member of the North American Herb Society. Susan will share design ideas and some historical references and recipes. Possible field trip to her beautiful garden in Scituate.

These meetings usually happen every fourth Tuesday of the month, from September-November and January-March. As we navigate through these COVID times, plans may change. Please watch for emails from Diane Benson for meeting updates.

The Board meeting will follow immediately after the monthly meeting.

April 21

Senior Center

May 4

Gardening at the Lightkeepers Cottage